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Blog Posts ~☆

♡ finally summer ♡ 06/03/24 — Feeling: whatever on the more positive side

well everyone. that was a wrap, officially for me today ended the 2023-2024 school year which honestly. won pretty high for me in one of my worst school years ever ranking list. i went through literal hell and back and honestly im shocked i even made it to today ToT so, im here to rant bout it yay! (no one cheered) you see, im not here to make a grand entrance, i just want to let some of my feelings out. tomorrow i visit a psychiatrist (hey my mom sorta came around finally) its going to be a crazy june i feel. i wish i could honestly go back in time, i know thats pretty random and rather typical but i dont think i've ever meant something as much as when i say that. ever since covid ive seen the world so differently, ever since i started high school honestly. life has alwyas been really rough for me i wont lie, i absolutely hated elementary, those were honestly the worst 7 years of my life but tbh, this year was pretty bad and i think being self aware and just aware of everything going on in general, not even concerning self made it ten times worse. i walked round the halls of this new school and i felt so out of place. i managed to make no friends this year, couldnt even keep people even if i tried ive lost so much touch with reality. as embarrasing as it is lmao, i think the only think i can ever feel in touch with is fictional meda and shuake really proved how far the limits go with that one lmao ToT i only think of him as a friend, i only think of those i knew in middle school and i feel like im so stuck in past i literally have no way of getting out. i feel like im stuck in constant running motion like that one music video "i know what you did last summer" lmfao except i gave up on running and now im too far behind to catch up. i feel like there's nothing im truly good at that matters and i hate how life always manages to prove to me i have nothing special to me almost as if i just deserve to give up. everytime i think of k wording myself i genuiely cant find any "valid" reason to keep on going that isnt false hope and promise when i have so much to me right here nobody see or cares to acknowledge and its honestly so awful. i feel like hialeah is prison and then i go on the internet and its the same story even from miles and miles away. not to be cringe, but does this genuiely ever end? even if i grduate high school and move out, will i get kidnapped, r worded and lose all sense of life? be proven that ill never get to be happy? that in this society, which i genuiely believe it's impossible to. even if i attempt for change, the reminders dont stop and my head just keeps on going, something that no pill can change. its awful, it is. if anyone remembers, i had a friend in my last school year i cherish very dearly. ive been thinking these past days to send him a text. i made so many promises this year and i told myself that even if i still think on it until the end of the school year, i'd do it but then, fear hits me. what if he doesnt care and what if i already know that? but what if i got it all wrong? but what if- but what if and it all just crumbles. i want to be free from the what ifs because what if i lose my chance? and there, everything i spent so much time hoping for is lost. that's at least something id like to do before i die and its crazy cuz its a simple "hey :) i know its been a while, but hru?" or something along those lines. i feel like i just wasted a whole 9 months of my life lamenting in the sorrow of my past and wishing for things when i hd the opportunity to change just not the mental state which is like. how can i escape that you know. i want to be able to enjoy my summer drawing and coding and being the nerd i am without feeling like im being drained every second of my life until the 15th of august of 2024. i feel like im slowly losing the person i am to things i cant even control and its so frustating i feel like im giving into captialism unwillingly but i know it and its so awful! i cant stop it and i see the world around me and it never gets better. things cant continue this way you know and i know that sounds ridiculous but its true. idk i feel so trapped i just wish i would do things nd it would go my way. i expected to talk about school more but i dont even know what to say about it. just 3 more years and its university for me i just want this to be over so bad. hopefully somethings are able to turn up this summer, or at least im able to enjoy it (i lost my train of thought lmao)

♡ no other sadness in the world would do ♡ 2/11/24 — Feeling: not the greatest

i was supposed to write and finish this yesterday, but as the world may have it, i got sick and i feel. not any short from horrible!!! but thats not new or news, ive been feeling horrible for like. ever now, since august 17th i think. kinda funny, isn't that when the 2023-2024 school year started? yes now lets discuss shall we! ive been in a folklore evermore kinda mood (thats when u know something is really up) as of late, maybe the end of january let's say, january was a long ass month btw. i didnt really feel it was, but one of my sisters (the one that turned 22 that same month its on my calender which is why i mention it) pointed it out and the more and more i think about it, she was right. so now im just hoping that every month up to june just flies the fuck by. its about to be a year, what does that mean, yame? many things, bc last yr. was quite eventful. im sure many of you who know me, either on instagram or on my previous blogs or even in person know a tidbit of what i "experienced" last yr, i make my life story atp lol. i "laugh" although it's really not funny. i havent been able to move on from 2023 whatsoever, any year before that really. high school hit me like a rock, i look back on all of my previous experiences and encounters with people and the world and i see more and more how little of humanity is in each and every one of us but also how much i really went through that just went, far too un-noticed, however the correct spelling for that goes. all the disorders i possibly have to all the trauma i experienced to all the memories i have of things i do not rmbr, puts me in a spot and that spot is a very dark and hollow one, how am i supposed to really continue futher from all this? and ive been here before, oh definitely, but not quite like how i am in it right now. and ik i will say that in a year from now and the year after that in the constant cycle of, "im better now!" "oh wait im not" "oh wait guys im better now!!" "oh wait" and so forth but i personally dont believe that cycle is ok, if anything i believe it's a fate worse than death, ive seen it with my mom, my sisters, and now i have to see it with me. ever since the age of 7 ive made it my life's mission to be different and standout from my sisters, im not just another one or a wannabe but i am my own person. im not a girl, im not a nobody, im not a victim, im much better and different than that and i see that mindset didnt lead quite where i wanted it to. everyone and i mean everyone, even those who do not know her, compare me to my older sister, not my oldest, the middle child of my family. aside from the fact that being told u act like a middle child is genuiely one of the most offensive things to be told, it hurts my soul deeply. it's like the whole world is just cut fragments of my parents and i cannot escape. when will somebody want to be my muse? when will somebody be the reason i want to stay alive? i see now that nothing good truly does life forever. u can make so many friends and feel like if things have truly turned up but if your sick in the head, even with loads and loads of money, u feel the constant rot at the back, futherest part of your brain and it indeed does consume you, eventually. I didnt believe i deserved to suffer any longer so i prompted to end it all a few days back, that'll surely break the cycle but i was met with my lovely abusive family, "it's not worth it!" they told me, but ur abuse to me is? ur need to gain something from me? am i just here to prove u can never truly be free? and so i go to thinking that no one truly has me in their best interests, as long as my mother has cursed me and my father gets to breathe his flames, i can never truly have friends or a everlasting connection, or ever truly my loved and understood and its ridiculous bc i write this on a modern day computer when others out there are dying but somehow i still cant sum it up, no matter how much i try. i dont think ill ever be able to fully feel happy until the day i die. and im aware now that nobody will care, but its not to be remembered and live on that i want, that i desire. i just want to do the one thing that makes me happy forever. i do not care for abuse nor chains nor thorns. but at the end of the day, i will continue on having to endure that same ol' abuse, forcing smiles to my family as i wonder how wonderful my life would be if i wasnt so scared to grab that knife and be done with it. i dont know why i wrote like that, guess i felt poetic today lol (i didnt talk abt anything i wanted)

♡ denial?? testing?? secret 8th option?? ♡ 11/21/23 — Feeling: in a good mood

i kinda spent too much time working on the pictures and audio part now i kinda DONT wanna write anything anymore lol... but im in a good mood!!! that is rare!!! so lets write abt it! as we all know, ive literally been at my absolute lowest [smile and stare] for like the past 4 months which thats crazy saying that since its felt like the past 3 years.. and im not going to say its gotten any better!! im still pretty low, its one of those scenarios where im like "im finally happy!!" and then i think abt it the next day or just like a few hrs after its very embarrassing ToT and im starting to realize i have a tendency to just blame all my problems on one thing but i think thats definitely one thing these past 4 months have shown me is that. that is definitely NOT the case, dont let things pile up guys ^_^ and ik this always happens everything i take a shower, like somehow i feel so happy for like 5 secs, just like how i explained earlier but hey progress is progress and that must mean SOMETHING, if not the littlest thing which still matters. last weekend (nov 17-20) i went on like a cruise with my family, it was ass and really uncomfortable and in all honestly, i hated it but i really thought that being without internet for like 3 days wouldve really like broken me apart yk wouldve had some kinda learning experience like everything happened to be the past months (specifically this one?) but that was NOT the case! ik saying this is stretching it, like ofc amsterdam or that europe trip felt like a learning experience, i was there for like 12 days but still still, i almost died there without internet like i couldnt search up references to draw and that was a lot more frustrating than i thought it wouldve been lol but anywho, we came yesterday pretty early at like 8 something (am) i think and i ended up taking a nap bc i cant do anything else but sleep apparently and after waking up sometime around 2 or 4 (pm) maybe?? time literally flewww by and fast forward to like 12 am or midnight ig, i find myself just really sadd and that is like reoccuring but ig for not feeling that for 3 days, it felt weird. and idk if its just like the mold growing in the walls of my house or smth but i definitely felt sad like that on the cruise (and thats when yk its become a veryy serious problem ToT) its just that, its a lot more intensified (?) at my house, which ig makes sense. too lazy to re-explain this as i already did (instagram spam acc story spammer lore moment) but yea, fast forward again and i catch myself playing persona again idk how it really happened but it did ToT and as embarrasing as it is, i think its really important to just stay connected to the things that actually make u happy. ive said this multiple times and that makes me happy, it means i have sense still left!!! its no one's fault (at least not one person entirely/directly lol) for everything i have felt these past 4 months and if im gonna be more specific, for the entirety of my life ToT like i just stated, its things that have piled up and piled up that i never got to unpack (and still) at least not properly that manipulators have a funny way of making u lash out ur problems on everything but the problem and when u have a disorder (multiple in fact!) that dont get treated, its always about escaping instead of actually handling the problem bc, at least in my case, its the fear of being called crazy and just ridiculed and laughed at (and it hurts more when you're in the right and no one believes u or helps u) as it always manages to go down so again its nobody's fault and as embarrassing as it is to admit, i really spent these past 4 months shifting the blame on someone who probably doesn't even think of me at all, not like i do at least bc all that matters is that they were good company at the time i knew them and that for the person i knew at that one particular time in my life, i hope they continue to grow, learn more abt themselves and end up well in the end, bc thats all i can do anyway. (and sorry if i kinda go off topic/track for a sec i kinda disappeared for an hr while writing this and came back lol) i think one thing abt life that tends to happen so frequently for me is being stuck in the past and constantly replaying certain moments over and over again. and back to what i had brought up, i think thats why its very important to stay true to yourself and what you love bc playing persona again after what would be 9 months apparently!! (and its smth im genuiely going to be honest to you i never expected) ive kinda just learned to "move past" last yr and it almost feels like closure in a way. i dont like to believe in closure bc i dont like believing in things that are unfair and just messed up whenever they wanna be but i cant lie and say its not a very nice feeling. kinda similar to what i felt during covid after my previous schooling experience prior to 2020. im relatively veryy young and when covid hit, i wasnt any older than 12 so when i explain what i mean, hopefully u get the gist (ive kinda hinted at my age on here before anyways) when covid hit, i was in my last year of what i literally and still would and whatever words mean things similar to those phrases, considered torture as for those 7 miserable years of my life never felt like they were going to end but look, they did and now im here and it barely phases me atp. another reason i dont believe in closure is exactly this bc i never really moved on or properly "closed off" that chapter in my life, i never really processed it like i shouldve and it definitely had its negative effects in the future (seeing them now) and even at its present, didnt know it at the time but listening to animal crossing kk slider airchecks at 8 in the morning looking emo-ly at my school issued computer was not exactly "my best time in life" although its definitely better than now but anyway anyway, same thing now. playing persona isnt actually helping me process anything but its helping me move forward, almost helping me forget or just not care (idrk) and that's definitely better than literally blaming it all on someone who doesnt even think of me ToT and again, its the mind's funny way of just wanting to be stuck in the past. i had this realization a while ago but i think its the fear of having to experience it all over again or that i could and even though im not consciously scared of it, subconsciously i definitely am and its something and lots of stuff tbh that unfortunately i have and have to deal with, no matter how tough i may have acted. but thats a little more to discuss than what i would like to do today (i want to play persona already...) back to what i brought up, again, i think thats why its important to stick to what makes u happy and to yourself and even though, that conversation in itself is a little bigger than just that (the sexuality and gender problems my fave :heart eyes:) in the autism of it all, im glad i put aside my embarrasment and picked up persona (as well as aa and the chronicles although im not too sure that one is a good thing /hj tbh) and just the switch and gaming and drawing (coding a bit too) back in general and im trying to focus on those things. lots of stuff i wanted to get into such as fashion bc of last yr were not developed in my best interests and although i still want to learn (sewing more specifically as i mean rn) and i still want to get into fashion, i hope to get into these things in a clearer state of mind. as i said earlier, i cannot say that im at a higher point than before, bc i still hold some of the principles i did in that 4 month (16 to be more specific) dark night (lol) im still scared of what would happen if i start to interact with those around me, im still closing myself off from too much im afraid but thats not necessarily a bad thing, its not like im missing quite much anyways, im happy where i am and ive been able to progress where i am, by myself, and i want to continue to do so. im tired of society im going to be a social regret and lameo loser and eat my poptarts and play persona hashtag chronically at home moment

♡ someone kill me pwease ♡ 11/10/23 — Feeling: FUCKING MISERABLE

i told myself i wasnt to work on this or like even write a blog post but omg my hands are literally shaking as i do this, i really need to do this lol. that sounds like kinda weird and embarrassing but i literally have no other way to rant about my problems and not having the blog has lead to me using instagram spam acc stories which has lead back to sqaure one which hasnt lead to very. healthy good places. in short (its not drugs guys dw lol) but seriously, ive been doing fucking horrible!!! ive ranted about this on previous blog posts but i think every little thought, even all the experiences (or very little) ive had since last school yr go to show mental illness is TERRIFYING and A LOT more serious than what everyone makes it sound like, ik i sound soo annoying and privileged (like kim theres people that are dying!!) but i honestly have no clue how im still alive and if im going to be genuiely very honest with everyone here, its more of a fact of why. again, i sound like a little privileged bitch writing all this but im just genuiely so miserable and never seem to have anything good happen to me except the fact that i can still draw, get a free education (that is ass mind u) and have like a roof over my head which is like yayyy yk? but honestly the only thing thats good there is the fact i can still draw AND IF IM GONNA BE HONEST WITH U NOT EVEN. like i just really hate my life and feel this need to cry all the time. THIS IS NOT TEEN ANGST I FEEL LIKE A 40 Y/O CAT LADY what is wrong with me? and tbh i dont even know where to start but i think i should! so lets get into that. the yr starts with me going through 5 thousand million school problems bc once again, life is miserable (the first signs) and now its progressing onto life forcing me to make friends but u see. i still havent moved on from everything that happened to me last yr. and ik i sound ridiculous i used to make fun of my sister all the time! "imagine being sad over ur ms experience!" girl. u did NOT know what was coming let me tell u that much. ok so it all starts with this bo- and that is my problem. I SOUND LIKE A FUCKING GIRL IN LOVE!! i cry my EYES out to taylor swift songs about a romance i never experienced but IN MY HEAD AM I GOING THROUGH ALL THESE ROLLLERR COASTERR of emotions and things i certainly CANNOT handle and funny little thing, the only person in my life who kinda noticed isnt even in my life anymorw and FUNNIER THING (IDGAS IF THATS NOT A WORDD) THE ONE PERSON I MET WHO SINGLEHANDLEY CURED MY ILLNESSES (or so i thought, it adds more to the lore to build up story) ISNT IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. AT ALL OR EVER AGAIN PROBABLY TOT i literally look like a fuckimg CRAZY person, which my bpd sd can approve of, checking my stupid school insta acc over and over again BUT I CANT FUNCTION WITHOUT HIM!!!! honestly its so sad bc during the summer i didnt give one shit abt any of it, i just dug it into the farthest part of my memory, not healthy ik but i was like "...we'll deal with this when im more sane to process it" i felt like i did the right choice!! and to assure u, i did life just hates me. i dont do SHIT but im literally cursed i swear. i cant even explain to u how many times i cry myself to sleep (which i think is everytime i sleep (i take 2 naps every 2 days or so)) just thinking abt how i just want to be his friend again and the thing is this. its not abt that stupid faggot i could honestly care (a lot more than i think but lets say less for the moment) less! i just need whatever i felt with him. that over-reliance, this weird obsession and i think ill only ever feel that with him but i just dont understand, why did EYE have to go through this? i just feel like, dont i already have enough? dont i already get stripped away of every good thing i have everytime i just keep exisiting? like im not trying to put that suffering on anyone else, but go fuck over some rich white man not me! wtf did i do ToT and i just feel so unoriginal and so normal bc all my family feels this way and none of them seem to care and i just feel like the world would be a better place if i just ended it here but i also know in my heart that it wouldnt change and that makes me just so sad, i feel so exposed nothing i do amounts to anything useful i feel like im living someone else's life but i dont understand why, imagine if all that dreaming i did as a kid, "ill be the first one to get out!" was all a lie, i could never imagine it. and ik that asking for all those problems (bc that's really what it was) back is basically asking for it to happen all over again but this is the ONE time im asking for something bad to happen to me and i ask for worse and worse things everyday, why can't i get those things? why is it that suddenly when i ask for it its not even an option anymore? life is just so depressing but im just so pissed off now (teen angst moment) i hate everything. i hope he texts me lol...


November 2023

bestest best friend's bday
first break starts
break ends

December 2023

latino xmas

January 2024

break is unfortunately unfortunately over
sib 2 turns twenty twoo-ooo oo o o

February 2024

wooow leapfrog reference

This section is specifically for random writings